29 april 2013


"After many requests, I have now uploaded a very exhaustive set of slides with a few potentially useful points to structure your revision. Read these, re-read them, read them once again, take what I have said in them very seriously and you might do well in the exam.

Think twice, then think twice again before emailing me with questions. If I get emails with any questions where the answer is contained in the slides, I will simply delete your email without replying."

Han är så vänlig, uppmuntrande och tillmötesgående min professor i hospitality... 

3 kommentarer:

  1. Han vet hur man drastiskt drar ner summan av e-mail i alla fall...

    1. Mjo tack, här är en som aldrig kommer att våga maila honom om något igen i alla fall!

  2. Dear Sir,

    Thank You for encouraging us to e-mail You questions in preparation for our exam. I'd like to express my deep gratitude for that lesson in the true meaning of the word Hospitality.

    Please hesitate to contact me.

    Or to speek with Edgar Rice Burroughs:
    - "Me student. You teacher?"

